
Dreary Humor

The skies are still gray, gray, gray, with intermittent drizzle (the anti-windscreen wiper), but some written responses to questions gleefully provide humor to combat the dreary days.

"...less biasness is observed and not as much human consciousness contributed to where the transect is set."

"...involved a survey to investigate sexual attitudes and lifestyles in twentieth century England and Whales."

I'll post more entertaining responses periodically. As for now, I'm calling it a night!


SAD backwards weather

No surprise, but it's raining here; "squalls" would be the correct terminology. In seeking out tomorrow's weather forecast, I found an interesting atricle on the BBC website, weather section, discussing the time change to GMT and the effect of winters in the UK. Did you know that:

* 1 in 20 people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in the UK
* in the middle of winter, nights in the UK can be 15-19 hours long

Although I've lived through a winter here, it still surprises me how little light there is during the days, especially when you consider that the daylight hours tend to be grey and overcast.

It didn't take much to figure out I was affected by SAD, just a few weeks of inexplicable crying bouts, not wanting to get out of bed, and feeling miserable and hopeless. Once I made the connection, I quickly acquired a sun lamp. This one is pretty cool: it mimics dawn and dusk, waking me up gently to a 'sunny' morning, and allowing me to get a good 30-minute dose of light therapy before even crawling out of bed. Surprisingly, this does wonders for my winter blues. Who knew a little full spectrum light could go such a long way....


Poomacha Witch

As fires continue to rage across southern California, some witty, frustrated residents find humor in the fire's names. The Poomacha fire and the Witch Creek fire merged to become the Poomacha-Witch fire. Beware, lest the fearsome Poomacha Witch curse you with her evil eye! Rice Canyon fire and the Horno fire may meet up to form the Rice-Horno fire. Was this fire started by Condoleeza Rice after mistakenly referring to Pres. Shrub as her husband? Brings to mine the B-52's song, "Monster (in my pants)"....

Anyways, for those of you with friends and family in the San Diego county area, here's a link to the Wildfires 2007 blog. It's a decent source of very up-to-the-minute information relating to all things SD wildfire.

TAWC 101

Introduction to the American with coffee, or why the toothpick my blog contains coffee.
Obvious reason: all postgrads mainline caffeine.
The not-reason: I rarely drink coffee anymore, the unfortunate consequence of overdosing on 1.5 pots (12-cupper) of Eight O'Clock coffee one night while working graveyards as an undergrad.
The real reason: today in class, a fellow demonstrator sauntered up to me and randomly announced, "That's you, the American with coffee." Apparently, because I carry around a nifty grass green insulated beverage container and am the only American in a sea full of Irish and English, select students choose to identify me as "the American with coffee."

They're wrong, though. It's not coffee. It's tea. Typically Earl Grey or English Breakfast, occassionally Irish Breakfast, with milk (of course). Sporadically, for non-caffeinated tea consumption, there's Refresh (spearmint, peppermint, and tarragon), Calm (chamomile and other goodies), or sundry varieties depending on location (e.g., Lan Su Yuan traditional Chinese garden). Of course, lest we forget, there's also a random assortment of teas magically appearing in the office near our electric kettle.

So, with all that said, welcome to the world of the American with coffee (n.b., tea).